ICM8 Speaker installation Profile in Curacao

ICM8 Speaker installation Profile in Curacao

“Rodrigues Music in Curacao had a project with a lecture hall which had problems for the current AV set up. The University had typical big Active speaker boxes in the front of the room and some coverage and feedback issues. They chose OWI ICM8 because they could apply the various 100v taps to adjust for stepped seating. For the high seats in the back the used the 25w tap, 50w tap for the middle and 100w tap for the front.

Now the room does not have any dead spots like before, and even coverage.  They are able to raise the volume evenly helping to eliminate feedback issues they had before. The students are hearing clearly now and the professors can speak in a normal tone saving on their voices. They University is happy because now the room creates an environment for increased success and a quality environment for all the presentations they have.